Best Ways to Tackle Depression in Older Adults During the Holidays

Best Ways to Tackle Depression in Older Adults During the Holidays

The holiday season is viewed as a time of joy and happiness, but the holidays can also create feelings of depression in our loved ones.  When remembering past holidays, the despair over the loss of family members, and troublesome changes to health can increase during the holiday season, and it’s important to take the correct steps to help older loved ones stop the downward slope into depression.

If a cherished loved one is feeling depressed this holiday season, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to help them.

  1. Might it be regular nostalgia?  It is common for our loved ones to experience wistful feelings of nostalgia when remembering holiday get-togethers and celebrations. It is important to determine whether these feelings of sadness are lifted after a trip down memory lane or if they are lingering regardless of the topic of conversation.

  1. Is health impacted?  If your loved one is experiencing difficulty in maintaining a  healthy and balanced diet, struggling with sleep issues such as falling or staying asleep during the night. Are they experiencing weight loss or constantly feeling exhausted, these symptoms could potentially indicate the presence of depression. It is important to address these concerns and seek professional help if necessary. 

  1.  Is  the senior disengaged? If you have noticed a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyed, decreased motivation, having trouble with focus or concentration, unable to sit still without fidgeting, these may be also signs of depression.

According to Lara Honos-Webb, a clinical psychologist and author, sadness and depression can be compared to colors. She describes how sadness is like the color blue, showing deep and colorful emotions in response to loss. Depression can  also be the color black, lacking subtle shades and characterized by stark pain.

If you see signs of depression, it is important to seek medical help. Effective treatment is available and necessary, and having early detection and treatment are key. There are specific steps families can take to support a loved one with depression. 

  • By compiling a list of the senior’s hobbies and interests. By creating a set schedule to participate in one or more of them together
  • By encouraging your loved ones to work out with you, by going for walks outside and enjoying nature.
  • By listening to their favorite music, have them request some of their favorite songs, or have them play an instrument if that is something they used to have a passion for.
  • By staying positive yourself, providing affirmations to remind our loved ones of the countless small but wonderful aspects that each day can bring
  •  By being there for loved ones, regardless of the senior’s mood. At times, just sitting together quietly may make an enormous amount of difference in how someone feels.

Contact Amy’s Helping Hands at 519-915-4370 or visit our website for additional resources and tips in order to help enhance senior health and wellbeing, and for the high-quality home care in Windsor-Essex and other nearby areas.  
