Mom or Dad is Coming Home from the Hospital… What to expect.

Mom or Dad is Coming Home from the Hospital… What to expect.

When a loved one is returning home after a hospital stay, it can be overwhelming for both the patient and the family members. It is important to have a plan in place to ensure a smooth transition. Whether adjusting to living alone post-medical  or moving in with a family member, having a clear plan is important to help navigate the changes and challenges that may arise.

Being prepared for the fact that life will change. By considering factors such as adapting to new routines, embracing uncertainty, seeking support from loved ones and by staying flexible, will help with your personal growth. By remembering that change is a natural part of life, and by being open to it, you can navigate transitions more effectively and find opportunities for growth and self-discovery along the way. Things to consider are:

  • The level of support you may need could be for long or short term
  • There will be changes in their medication
  • By properly managing time for their appointments and rehab visits
  • Their ability to move around
  • If there will be anxiety of when their next hospitalization may be
  • Making sure they are being supported and will they be comfortable?
  • Will I be able to adequately care for them, will I have enough time?

Before you bring a family member home from the hospital, it is important to consult with the professional in the social work and discharge planning departments for guidance. They may recommend acquiring home supportive equipment like lifts, showering chairs, grab bars, wheelchairs and hospital beds. It is also important to have a personal response system in place for emergencies.  Prior preparation is key to a smooth transition.  Try considering that if the equipment is not needed for long-term, rental is a great option as well. 

It is OK to Get Help

Life can get hectic, especially when caring for family members with increased needs. By balancing caregiving, work and a family can be overwhelming, but by having support from a professional care company like Amy’s Helping Hands can help ease the load. With services ranging from 24-hour care to hourly schedules, Amy’s Helping Hands offers flexible options tailored to your loved one’s health needs.  By having an individualized care plan and services, they can help facilitate a speedy recovery and ease the transition back home from the hospital.

You Can Do It

It is important to remember to appreciate that your loved one is now back in a familiar home setting, which can help improve their comfort and well-being. By remembering that you are not facing these challenges alone. There is a network of support, assistance and resources ready to help you.  Do not hesitate to reach out and make use of the available help. By taking the time to care for your loved one during this tough period is a way of showing them honor and may lead to cherished memories in the future.
